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The Fence Post

Making Oyster Cages

January 29, 2021 | by Joe Morrell

Build it Yourself!

With a bit of mesh and access to a waterway, you're on your way to your own personal oyster farm. Building a cage for raising oysters is uncomplicated, as shown in this helpful video and you can rely on Louis Page for the mesh you need. Louis Page sources the best mesh out there--it's stable over a wide temperature range, maintaining its qualities in extremes of both hot and cold temperatures. UV inhibitors are in the vinyl to impede degradation from sunlight. The coating is also very resistant to scraping and abrasion.


Our galvanized vinyl-coated mesh is tough stuff and stands up to marine environments.

Vinyl coated welded wire mesh

  • Unbeatable durability
  • Highly rust resistant
  • Features double protection
    • Vinyl coating seals the wire from water and other corrosive elements
    • Underlying wire mesh is protected by a zinc coating

Vinyl coated welded wire fencing and meshes are both long-lasting, attractive, and work in a variety of situations. The galvanized mesh is coated with a thick layer of PVC which is tightly bonded to the wire by a heat process. The coating is flexible and will not crack when the wire is bent.

For more on oysters, take a look at this blog detailing their great assortment of benefits. Interested in building other kinds of surrounds and cages?  Louis Page will source that too. As always, just call us for specific advice (866) 328-5018 and check out this helpful article to get you started.


Oyster Wire


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Topics: welded wire mesh, vinyl coated wire, black vinyl coated, vinyl coated mesh

Cat-Proof Fence--Five Miles of it

July 25, 2018 | by Joe Morrell

cat stalking in brush 

The Endangered Hawaiian 'ua'u (or more commonly known as the Hawaiian Petrel)

In the lava crevices on the slopes of Moana Loa, the Hawaiian petrel nests. Now a bit less nervously as a 5-mile hexagonal mesh fence protects these endangered birds from feral cats, who stalk and feast on the birds' vulnerable chicks. The curved floppy top of the fence prevents the cats from successfully scaling it. Take a look at this video which explains the massive undertaking of installing this cat-proof wire mesh fence in a remote location as well as showing the nesting habits of the 'ua'u (or Hawaiian petrel.) 


Some Progress

There used to be thousands of petrels and it is said that their presence would blacken the skies at particular times of the year. The population has dwindled due to increased settlements and people bringing in cats, rats, feral pigs, and barn owls. The struggle goes on as outdoor lights on homes and buildings are very disorienting to the young birds, causing groundings, which leave them vulnerable to predators. The 'ua'u is also preyed upon by Indian mongooses and feral dogs which this fence also restrains. Two years on, there are reports that this hexagonal mesh fence is proving successful as there is an upturn in the number of nesting sites in the area. 

What about Coated Hex Mesh?

Hexagonal netting (aka chicken wire) that has been coated with a coating of PVC will last and last. After the 1" hex mesh is woven from 20 gauge galvanized wire (GBW), it is completely coated with a tough, flexible, bonded layer of black PVC.

The coating is:

  • extremely resistant to cracking, chipping, and weathering
  • unaffected by extremes of temperature
  • protected from degradation from sunlight by the UV inhibitors in the vinyl

Vinyl coated chicken wire has an approximate 18 gauge overall finished thickness and is highly resistant to rust and corrosion. Black color helps the mesh blend in with the landscape, becoming virtually invisible. This long-lasting mesh works well in a variety of applications: bird pens, garden fence, around the home or farm, and as you can see--on the lava slopes of Moana Loa!

Tell us about the job and Louis Page will supply the type of fence you need.

Vinyl Coated Chicken Wire

If you are interested in more information on the restoration of the Hawaiian petrel: 


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Topics: black vinyl coated, vinyl coated, 1.5x1.5, galv after, 12.5 gauge, 1" mesh, exclusion fence

Keep Bambi Out this Season

September 18, 2014 | by Duncan Page


deer in the snow
Your Silent Neighbors

Deer are among the most adaptable animals on earth. More than 90 different species of deer have found homes all over the earth, in nearly every habitat imaginable, from dense forests and mountainous terrain to marshes and deserts.  Though types of deer may be found in a variety of environments, deer typically inhabit the border zones that mark the transition from forests to meadows, where there are soft grass and other plants for them to eat and adequate cover for them to safely spend the night, relatively protected from predators.

With Keen Senses 

With their keen sense of smell and hearing, they can react to danger speedily. Their eyes set at the sides of the head means efficient scanning all-around. Their long legs are highly-muscled, able to carry them at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. Their hooves at the front can be long and sharp and are used for defense; males also use antlers to fight off predators. To sound the alert, they stomp their hooves, and white-tailed deer raise their tales so the white spot behind enables the herd to follow more readily. Additionally, they can jump and swim when they are at threat. 


Undeniably, there is another creature that likes to live in nearly every type of habitat, all around the world. That creature is the human being. Deer have little aversion to living close to humans. In fact, since they are so adaptable, most deer are quite willing to help themselves to landscape and garden plants provided by humans. This is quite convenient for the deer, but much less desirable for the people who find their nice-looking yards destroyed by deer. People who have never witnessed it have difficulty understanding just how destructive and thorough a herd of deer can be.

Herd Of Deer In Green Grass Field

Fencing is Best

If you'd like to avoid having deer in your yard, perhaps you could just design your yard to make it unattractive to them. The two biggest problems with this approach are that humans tend to enjoy the same types of landscaping that deer enjoy and deer will eat almost anything. If you choose to live in an area that is inhabited by deer and you want to keep your garden or yard safe, you will need to keep the deer out. You can protect a garden with fencing, which is the only really effective way to keep deer out.

And What Type of Fence?

There are many different styles of deer fence available. When you want to protect a garden with fencing, you will need to consider three characteristics of your new fence.

  • Materials

The two most common materials used in protective fencing are metal and plastic. Metal fencing tends to be more durable than plastic but is also more expensive. If you want to get the maximum life from your fence, consider using galvanized steel or welded mesh that has been coated in PVC. This has the added benefit of blending into your yard, making the fence less of an eyesore, particularly when using a black PVC coating.

  • Height

To protect your yard from deer, a six-foot fence is an absolute minimum, although an eight-foot fence is an ideal choice. An eight-foot fence may cost a little more, but it is better to install the right fence from the start than to have to rebuild your inadequate fence a few seasons later.

  • Appearance

This is the final characteristic to consider; it is also the point where you will have the most options. Deer fencing is available in an enormous variety of styles and colors, for everything from an austere, industrial look to an aesthetically pleasing look that blends in with the environment.

The deer in your area would like nothing better to sustain themselves on your landscape or garden. Do not let them; you can efficiently protect a garden with fencing, and keep the deer where they belong.
Deer Fence
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Topics: deer fence, galvanized after, black vinyl coated, deer and orchard fence

Why You Need Black Vinyl Coated Apron Fence

August 10, 2013 | by Duncan Page

apron fence

Premium Apron Fence

Premium quality galvanized Apron Fence, manufactured by Keystone Steel and Wire in Peoria, IL, is the only 17 gauge, 1-1/2" heavy hexagonal netting made in the USA. The wire used is fully dimensional 17 gauge, on the high end of the acceptable tolerance limit.

The Apron

Keystone makes this roll as Galvanized Before Weld (GBW) material. They weave previously galvanized 17 gauge wire into the 1-1/2" hex netting. 17 gauge (.054") is much heavier than the standard 20 gauge (.0348") used in weaving standard chicken wire. Consequently, it is a much stronger product and will last a lot longer.

This Apron Fence is available in two roll sizes: 60" x 150' (48" high with a 12" apron) and 72" x 150' (60" high with a 12" apron). The roll is made with a single line wire running the length of the roll, 12" up from the bottom. This wire acts as a guideline when you are bending the 12" section out 90 degrees to form the apron.

Another Layer of Protection

vinyl coated apron fence

Thick, Flexible, and Resists Peeling

Keystone does not have the ability to vinyl coat their Apron Fence. Its 60" rolls are sent to another quality US mill to be custom coated. This mill specializes in vinyl coating all types of wire mesh, including mesh used in building lobster traps. Here a high quality, thick and flexible coating of UV treated Black PVC is tightly bonded to the wire mesh. The coating is so tightly bonded that it resists scraping. It cannot be easily scraped off with a fingernail. And it will not peel off easily.

The finished product is first quality in every respect. Expected lifetime is hard to predict. Local environmental conditions in the air, soil, and rain have an impact on the length of time fencing material will last. These conditions vary enormously from one part of the country to another.

Enduring Quality

Knowing the material is produced by two of the leading mills in the United States can give you confidence that this product is the highest quality available. The extra handling and shipping involved in moving the material from one mill to the other do add to the cost. But the quality and endurance is there in every roll and speaks for itself.

apron fence garden

Easy to Use

Vinyl coated Apron Fence is very easy to use. The smooth finish makes it easy to handle and install. The unique 12" apron prevents animals from burrowing under the fence, keeping raccoons, foxes and other predators out of birds and pets in. The apron can be turned in either direction - to the outside to make a barrier or to the inside to make a pen.

Seamless Installation 

Installation is easy since there is no need to dig a trench. Bend the mesh along the guideline. Just lay the apron on top of the ground so that vegetation grows up through it. This will securely anchor it in place. Digging animals will start at the fence itself, not realizing they have to start 12" away with their digging. This is a very effective barrier.

There are many uses for Apron Fence as a perimeter fence, such as:

  • Many individuals and clubs use it to fence in training pens for their beagles. Due to the high quality of the product, replacement and repair costs and concerns are kept to a minimum.
  • It makes an ideal fence around a garden. The black color of the vinyl makes the mesh virtually invisible against the background. You can get an unrestricted view of your garden.
  • Vinyl coated Apron Fence has been used in building game bird pens. The black color is a visibility advantage here as well.

If you are looking for a quality product that can provide an attractive, secure barrier on the ground surface as well as vertically, consider using vinyl coated Apron Fence.

Duncan Page signature Duncan Page

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Topics: apron fence, hex netting, black vinyl coated

How To Build A Wire Mesh Outdoor Cat Cage

March 10, 2013 | by Terry Struck

Close Up Photo of White and Brown Feline 

Did you know that an outdoor cat has an average life expectancy of two to five years, while an indoor cat can live for 15 years or more?

Avoiding Visits to the Vet

I have four cats and it can be a little overwhelming at times. So they go outside a few hours a day. But as it turns out there are many dangers not only from cars but also from raccoons, coyotes, foxes, and even other cats. And with these dangers can come very expensive vet bills. Believe me, I know! One of my cats got into a fight with something and had an abscess that had to be lanced - $450! And because we didn’t know what bit her she was quarantined inside for 6 months just in case of rabies.

Innovation for Kitty

I just happened to have an old metal shed frame, that didn’t have a tarp anymore. So I bought some inexpensive chicken wire and started wrapping. I left one end open and remembered to not have any sharp edges. I made a door for me to get in and out using PVC piping also wrapped with chicken wire and strapped with safety ties. When I was done building the cage I moved it up against a back window and cut a kitty door in the window screen. I also added Plexiglas to keep out most of the cold in the winter. I used a tall cat condo so they could get up and down from the window and also use it as a scratching post. Now add some toys and maybe a catwalk and they are back to chasing the bugs and everyone is safe.

Gray Tabby Cat Lying on White Surface

Practical Ideas  

This was a very inexpensive quick solution for me but not everyone has an old frame lying around. So here are some ideas:

    • The wire fencing material that you use depends on the look, your budget, and the difficulty of working with the material.
    • Chicken wire is easily bent around piping whereas a heavier mesh would be great for the wood panels.
    • Vinyl-coated black is less noticeable, more attractive, and will last for many pets to come.
    • There are a wide variety of welded wire gauges and mesh openings to choose from. Choose by the size of your pet and what you’re trying to keep out. 1” x 2”, 1” x 1” meshes in 14 and 16 gauges are good choices to eliminate predators.
    • PVC piping can be used to make panels all the way around. You can have them cut to any size and fasten them together with glue and safety ties. There is also a PVC primer that can be used for welding pieces.
    • Pressure-treated 1” x 3” strapping can be used, wider if making large panels. Sandwich the fence in between and staple or nail the strapping together, using the same method for the top and door.

Gray Cat

Your cats will now have the best of both worlds. And no more expensive vet bills. You can leave the money in your wallet!

Terry     Terry

Welded Wire Mesh

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Topics: wire mesh, cat cage, panels, black vinyl coated, chicken wire

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