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Tenax Cintoflex - Polyethylene Poultry Netting

Cintoflex was designed as a solution for replacing galvanized hexagonal chicken wire netting. It is made from non-toxic, flexible, high density polyethylene. Tenax Cintoflex will withstand the affects of the environment - extremes of temperature and UV rays. Contaminates such as acids generated on the poultry farm will not effect its lifetime. This black polyethylene poultry net is produced by a patented stretching and extruding process. As a result, the mesh is manufactured as a continuous net, possessing strength normally associated with wire netting.

Cintoflex plastic net chicken wire is easily handled and installed due to its light weight. It is available in four different mesh sizes and in rolls up to 15 feet wide. Multiple overlaps are eliminated in installations where height is required, such as aviaries. Polyethylene poultry netting is ideal for a wide variety of applications including bird exclusion, deer control. In some cases it can be used as a replacement for hex netting chicken wire. We do not recommend using Tenax Cintoflex when predators are a concern. The large size mesh of Cintoflex C makes it ideal for litter and debris control.

Cintoflex E - 441 pound breaking load

Cintoflex E

.51" x .59" mesh, 4' x 330' - 23 lbs.

SKU: CF12344-330-AL-T 

51" x .59" mesh, 6½' x 330' - 38 lbs.

SKU: CF123465-330-AL-T 

Cintoflex M - 446 pound breaking load

.71" x .98" mesh, 4' x 330' - 23 lbs.

SKU: CF34014-330-AL-T cintoflex m

.71" x .98" mesh, 5' x 330' - 28 lbs.

SKU: CF34015-330-AL-T 

.71" x .98" mesh, 6½' x 330' - 38 lbs.

SKU: CF340165-330-AL-T 

.71" x .98" mesh, 10' x 330' - 57 lbs.

SKU: CF340110-330-AL-T 

.71" x .98" mesh, 15' x 330' - 87 lbs.

SKU: CF340115-330-AL-T 

Cintoflex D - 446 pound breaking load

.87" x .1.38" mesh, 5' x 330' - 28 lbs.

SKU: CF011505-330-AL-T cintoflex d

.87" x .1.38" mesh, 6½' x 330' - 38 lbs.

SKU: CF011565-330-AL-T 

.87" x .1.38" mesh, 10' x 330' - 57 lbs.

SKU: CF011510-330-AL-T 

.87" x .1.38" mesh, 15' x 330' - 87 lbs.

SKU: CF011515-330-AL-T 

Cintoflex C - 610 pound breaking load

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 4' x 330' - 26 lbs.

SKU: CF224-330-AL-T cintoflex c

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 5' x 330' - 33 lbs.

SKU: CF225-330-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 6' x 100' - 16 lbs.

         SKU: CF226-100-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 6' x 330' - 40 lbs.

SKU: CF226-330-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 7½' x 100' - 21 lbs.

SKU: CF2275-100-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 7½' x 165' - 27 lbs.

         SKU: CF2275-165-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 7½' x 330' - 49 lbs.

SKU: CF2275-330-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 10' x 330' - 57 lbs.

SKU: CF2210-330-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.97" mesh, 15' x 330' - 80 lbs.

SKU: CF2215-330-AL-T 

C-Flex P - Deer/Perimeter Fence - 686 pound breaking load

1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 60" x 100' - 17 lbs.

       SKU: CFDEER5-100-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 60" x 200' - 28 lbs.

       SKU: CFDEER5-200-AL-T 

1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 90" x 100' - 23 lbs.


1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 90" x 165' - 37 lbs.


1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 90" x 330' - 65 lbs.


For information about galvanized high tensile woven wire deer & wildlife fence go here.

No longer available


For information about galvanized high tensile woven wire deer & wildlife fence go here.

C-Flex HD Deer Fence - 890 pound breaking load

1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 60" x 100' - 18 lbs.

       SKU: CFDEERHD5-100-MD-T 

1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 90" x 100' - 34 lbs.


1.77" x .1.96" mesh, 90" x 165' - 50 lbs.


For information about galvanized high tensile woven wire deer & wildlife fence go here.