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The Fence Post

How To Build A Wire Mesh Outdoor Cat Cage

March 10, 2013 | by Terry Struck

Close Up Photo of White and Brown Feline 

Did you know that an outdoor cat has an average life expectancy of two to five years, while an indoor cat can live for 15 years or more?

Avoiding Visits to the Vet

I have four cats and it can be a little overwhelming at times. So they go outside a few hours a day. But as it turns out there are many dangers not only from cars but also from raccoons, coyotes, foxes, and even other cats. And with these dangers can come very expensive vet bills. Believe me, I know! One of my cats got into a fight with something and had an abscess that had to be lanced - $450! And because we didn’t know what bit her she was quarantined inside for 6 months just in case of rabies.

Innovation for Kitty

I just happened to have an old metal shed frame, that didn’t have a tarp anymore. So I bought some inexpensive chicken wire and started wrapping. I left one end open and remembered to not have any sharp edges. I made a door for me to get in and out using PVC piping also wrapped with chicken wire and strapped with safety ties. When I was done building the cage I moved it up against a back window and cut a kitty door in the window screen. I also added Plexiglas to keep out most of the cold in the winter. I used a tall cat condo so they could get up and down from the window and also use it as a scratching post. Now add some toys and maybe a catwalk and they are back to chasing the bugs and everyone is safe.

Gray Tabby Cat Lying on White Surface

Practical Ideas  

This was a very inexpensive quick solution for me but not everyone has an old frame lying around. So here are some ideas:

    • The wire fencing material that you use depends on the look, your budget, and the difficulty of working with the material.
    • Chicken wire is easily bent around piping whereas a heavier mesh would be great for the wood panels.
    • Vinyl-coated black is less noticeable, more attractive, and will last for many pets to come.
    • There are a wide variety of welded wire gauges and mesh openings to choose from. Choose by the size of your pet and what you’re trying to keep out. 1” x 2”, 1” x 1” meshes in 14 and 16 gauges are good choices to eliminate predators.
    • PVC piping can be used to make panels all the way around. You can have them cut to any size and fasten them together with glue and safety ties. There is also a PVC primer that can be used for welding pieces.
    • Pressure-treated 1” x 3” strapping can be used, wider if making large panels. Sandwich the fence in between and staple or nail the strapping together, using the same method for the top and door.

Gray Cat

Your cats will now have the best of both worlds. And no more expensive vet bills. You can leave the money in your wallet!

Terry     Terry

Welded Wire Mesh

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Topics: wire mesh, cat cage, panels, black vinyl coated, chicken wire

5 Reasons To Buy Galvanized After Wire Mesh

March 17, 2011 | by Duncan Page

galv after and kitten

Galvanized After Wire Mesh: Welded or Woven

Wire mesh that has been galvanized after fabrication offers advantages that make it superior to mesh that has been galvanized before fabrication. The reason for this lies in the way it is manufactured. Galvanized after wire mesh can be either welded or woven. After the welding or weaving is completed, the mesh is dipped into a bath of molten zinc. The zinc bonds to the wire's surface, thoroughly sealing it and protecting it from rust and corrosion.
  • When galvanized before welded wire mesh is made, the zinc coating at the weld points is compromised. It can be burnt away, leaving the wire unprotected. And these intersecting areas tend to hold moisture longer than the single wire strands.
  • Woven meshes, especially in the light gauges like chicken wire hex netting, also have their weak points. The twisted areas of the mesh tend to hold moisture, causing them to rust out. Dipped in the zinc bath, these wire meshes will last for a long time, even in corrosive environments

unwinding roll of galvanized after wire meshThe Importance of Buying Galvanized After Wire (GAW) Mesh

GAW meshes:

  1. Last longer
  2. Stand up better to rough use
  3. Have an extra thick coating of zinc
  4. Have joints thoroughly protected from rust and corrosion
  5. Are more useful in areas that will rot a wire mesh that is galvanized before

When you want to use galvanized wire mesh in a project, be sure to consider the advantages a GAW product offers. Think of the expense and labor involved in replacing a GBW mesh that rusts quickly. Invest in a quality product. Wouldn't you rather do it right the first time? Now take a look at the work of some premium fence installers with some very high standards:


Have you ever used a galvanized after wire mesh? Are you aware of the many alternative higher quality wire mesh options that are available, but not at your local big box stores? For a thorough discussion of the many varieties of fence products available, check out this blog.

Duncan Page signature Duncan Page picture

Galvanized After Wire

wire mesh - galvanized after weld


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Topics: wire mesh, galvanized after, GAW

Fence and Mesh Needs--Your Checklist

January 3, 2011 | by Duncan Page

Do your plans include wire mesh, plastic fence, or netting this season?

What are you needing to keep out?deer fence or mesh

  • Deer
  • Rabbits
  • Coyotes 
  • Gophers
  • Sparrows
  • Predatory birds
  • Nuisance wildlife

Or to keep in?

    • Deer
    • Dogs
    • Goats
    • Sheep
    • Cattle
dog fence or mesh

Or to protect your:

  • Lawn
  • House
  • Garden
  • Poultry
  • Game birds
  • Swimming pool
  • Trees and shrubs

Do the job right the first time

  • Research - be sure the fence or mesh product you choose is right for your project
  • Ask an expert for advice
  • Note: fences and meshes are not created equal
  • Cheaper is not always better - you usually get what you pay for
    chicken fence or mesh
  • A more expensive, higher quality product can save you money in the long run
  • Galvanization and PVC coating make a big difference
  • The best solution may not be available from your local retailer or big box store

We will talk to you about your current fence and mesh needs. (866) 328-5018

We're here to help with some fairly involved decision-making. 

 All the best, 

Duncan Page signatureDuncan Page
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Topics: wire mesh, wire fence, wire fence and mesh for dogs

Wire Mesh for Holiday Projects

December 3, 2010 | by Frank Langone

Pick a Holiday, Grab Some Chicken Wire

Do you need a lightweight wire mesh for making different seasonal holiday projects?

wire mesh vinyl coated hex netting

Vinyl-Coated Hex Netting Wire Mesh--A Variety of Sizes

Consider vinyl coated hex netting wire mesh. It is available in 1" mesh. Rolls are 150' long and come in heights from 12" to 84". 24", 36" and 48" widths are also available in 50' rolls. For maximum height, if needed, 90" comes in 100' rolls.

wire mesh vinyl coated hardware cloth

Hardware Cloth--Lightweight with Smaller Openings 

If you want smaller openings, you can use ½" and ¼" wire mesh products. Also known as hardware cloth, these meshes come in both galvanized and vinyl coated finishes. Galvanized rolls in both mesh sizes are available in 24", 36" and 48" widths in either 50' or 100' long rolls. Vinyl coated rolls are only 100' in length. ½" mesh is also available in 60" and 72" x 100' rolls in both galvanized and vinyl coated finish.

Both Hex netting and hardware cloth meshes are:

  • durable
  • lightweight
  • easy to cut
  • easy to handle
  • perfect for outdoor use
  • easy to work with when making different shapes and forms

There are other mesh sizes and wire gauges available in galvanized or vinyl coated finishes for cage making and other projects.

What types of projects can you think of that could use any of these meshes?

Surprising Chicken Wire

Here's a video to get your creative juices flowing:


Chicken Wire

lack of interest in the cornstalk snow fence concept led staff to pursue a more permanent green fencing solution.
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Topics: wire mesh, 1" mesh, 1/2" mesh, hex mesh

Turtle Fence - Galvanized After Welded Wire Mesh

October 19, 2010 | by Duncan Page

desert tortoise fence resized 600

A Power Plant Accommodates Turtles

Turtle Fence is being used to keep turtles out of construction areas.

The huge Ivanpah 440-megawatt solar power electric generating facility in south-eastern California is being surrounded by more than 39 miles of turtle fence. Why? Because before construction can begin on the site, all desert tortoises must be removed. And after completion, turtles will not be able to re-enter the site. The desert tortoise is a threatened species and considered vulnerable. They live their rather languorous lives in burrows anywhere from 3 to 10 inches deep, also in rock shelters or pallets. This is to minimize exposure to extreme temperatures, minimizing loss of water, and keeping their body temperature stable. Soil type is important to them for the purpose of den construction and nutrition, preferring alluvial fans, washes, and canyons. Appropriate burrow sites aid their population and their fidelity to their nesting grounds is strong. 

Galvanized Mesh

What has been selected as the best mesh to use for the purpose of assisting in this project? Locally sourced, US-made galvanized after weld, 16 gauge, 1" x 2" wire mesh that has been welded into 36" x 100' rolls. After the welding process, the mesh is drawn through a bath of molten zinc. The wires, including the welded areas, are covered with a thick corrosion-resistant coating. The welded wire turtle fence will last for years.

roll of wire

During installation, a portion of the fence is buried in the ground to discourage burrowing. The above-ground portion is tall enough to prevent the turtles from climbing over the fence. In this case, tortoises are being protected by being kept out of an area.

Here's some background on the situation:


Do you think this is a good solution?


Duncan Page

Welded Wire Mesh


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Topics: wire mesh, turtle fence, galvanized after

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