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The Fence Post

A Fence for Your Alpacas

August 19, 2021 | by Joe Morrell

alpaca neck and face portrait

Ideal Alpaca Fencing

The best fence for alpacas is a type of classic horse fence. It's a woven wire mesh that is Galvanized Before Weave (GBW). This 12½ gauge mesh has openings that are 2 inches by 4 inches and 60 inches high (5ft.) and comes in a 200 foot long roll. This wire fence has 16 horizontal wires spaced 4 inches apart. Vertical wires have 2 inch spacing. Along with use for alpacas, this 2" x 4" mesh woven non-climbable horse fence is also ideal for fencing in ostrich, emu, large dogs, goats and other animals.

Making Sure Your Alpaca is Secure

This fence features strong steel wire that's Class 3 galvanized for maximum rust protection. Woven non-climbable fence mesh features an attractive appearance as well as long life. Before the wires are woven into the mesh, the entire finished product is drawn through a bath of molten zinc (830°F.) This galvanization-before-weave creates a mesh that emerges with a thick coating tightly bonded to the wire. Each strand of wire is protected and more importantly, each vulnerable woven area is thoroughly sealed, assuring that this wire will endure.

And the benefits of that Class 3 zinc coating?

  • Lowest cost over the long run
  • Damage resistance--the zinc patina guards the metal underneath
  • Has the luster of stainless steel, but is much less expensive
  • Offers consistent results
  • Ensured longevity


The woven knots are both rust-resistant--they will not hold water, and they're smooth--protecting both animals and people from injury. Stiff "square" knots, formed by a third piece of wire woven around each intersection hold horizontal and vertical wires securely, yet allow for ease of erection over uneven land. 


The square deal knot prevents the fence from buckling or sagging. It also provides extra vertical strength and rigidity while at the same time allowing flexibility. 

Furry white alpaca face

Notes on Alpacas

  • From the Camelid family; however, like llamas, they're generally much better-natured than camels
  • Their wool is prized; finer and more plentiful than a llama's
  • Well-suited to small farms and homesteading
  • Alpaca wool is softer than cashmere and much warmer than sheep's wool
  • Alpacas are not guardians in the way that llamas are
  • Their manure can be directly put on the garden
  • 5 alpacas per acre depending on the fertility of the pasture
  • Alpacas always need companions
  • Males and females kept strictly separate unless breeding

Here's a helpful video showing the reasoning behind appropriate enclosures for alpacas. It finishes with this expert's view of the ideal alpaca fence, detailed above. 


Alpaca Fence

Generally known as Horse Fence


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Topics: horse fence, galvanized before, woven wire mesh

Protection from Coyotes

January 11, 2021 | by Joe Morrell

Tall Fence Easily Breached 

Watch as this coyote shows of its quickness, agility, and strength!


As more undeveloped land is taken for housing lots and commercial areas, the natural habitat for wildlife gets increasingly restricted. Sightings of animals such as coyotes and deer are more frequent. Coyotes have adapted to the modern landscape in unique ways, especially now with their main predators such as wolves out of the way. Generally content to stay out of sight, a hungry coyote may make an appearance. They are resilient and their numbers are increasing in some areas despite efforts to control them. Closer at hand than one realizes, they create dens in forested areas, parks, and greenbelts; however, coyote attacks are actually rare and often linked to being fed by humans.

coyote head in profile with snow in background

Coyotes are powerful and stealthy, yet there are strategies for avoiding dangerous interactions with them. If the presence of coyotes is an issue in your area and cause for concern, one of the best ways to stay safe is to build a wire fence. Small dogs or other animals, if unattended, could be prey. To protect against coyotes, it is best to use a six to eight-foot height. You can either bury 12 inches in the ground or bend it so it lays on top of the ground to the outside of the enclosure as an apron. This will discourage digging.

There are many choices of welded wire fencing and woven wire fencing meshes available:

Welded wire fencing - Galvanized Before Weld (GBW), Galvanized After Weld (GAW) and Vinyl Coated (VC) 

  • 14 gauge, 1" x 2" and 2" x 4" mesh
  • 12.5 gauge, 2" x 4" mesh
Woven wire fencing - 

Here is an in-depth report on the increase and behavior of coyotes in cities and suburbs:

Welded Wire Mesh

For more about fencing out coyotes and other potentially aggressive animals, check out this blog.

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Topics: welded wire mesh, galvanized after, galvanized before, deer and wildlife fence, vinyl coated mesh

4 Keys To Choose the Best Fence for Your Needs

May 26, 2017 | by Debbie Page

Important Considerations

Buying fencing without seeing it can be difficult but we are here to help you. We have pulled together our top 4 key considerations to help you choose the best fence for your needs.

Louis Page's Illustration of the 4 Keys to Choosing a Fence

1.  The Type of Wire Determines a Fence's Durability and Use

For example, vinyl-coated and stainless steel fences offer maximum durability, making them ideal choices for harsh environments and applications where longevity is a must.

We provide four unique types of welded wire to address any durability and budget needs:

Galvanized Before Weld (GBW)

GBW mesh is made from strands of galvanized wire welded together. During the welding process, the rust preventing galvanizing is burned off at the weld points where the wires intersect. These meshes are economical but have a limited lifetime. A general purpose mesh, ideal for low-cost fencing, kennels, cages, and a variety of other uses.

Galvanized After Weld (GAW)

GAW mesh is made by dipping previously welded mesh into a bath of molten zinc. The entire mesh, including the welded areas, is thoroughly sealed and protected against rust. This wire is particularly useful for animal enclosures or other applications where rust prevention and long life is desired. Ideally suited for use as ground wire for bird enclosures and animal enclosures. (ZA (zinc aluminum for agricultural fences (one step between GAW & Vinyl Coated).

Vinyl Coated (VC)

VC mesh is made by coating either galvanized before or galvanized after welded mesh with a thick layer of black or green PVC fused to the wire by a heat process, creating an attractive, tough, long-lasting, weather and chemical-resistant mesh. Vinyl coated meshes have the longest lifetime in any application. This 12½" gauge mesh with 1½" x 1½" openings makes a particularly excellent floor for dog kennels.

Stainless Steel

SS welded wire mesh, strong and long-lasting, needs no additional finish to protect it. The wire itself is extremely resistant to rust, corrosion, and harsh chemicals. Use stainless mesh or fence in areas with prolonged exposure to salt and other corrosives.

2.  Wire Gauge: a Fence that Endures

  • Wire gauge also determines durability and use. The lower the gauge number the thicker the wire, making low gauge fencing ideal for applications where strength and durability are required.
  • Along with the wire type, wire gauge determines how tough and long-lasting your fence will be. Louis Page sells welded wire in 10.5, 11, 12.5, 14, 16, 19, and 23 gauge thicknesses.
  • Remember, the lower the gauge number, the thicker and stronger the wire will be.
  • Thicker wire is more resistant to the elements and tougher for critters to chew through. A sharp beak can make short work of a thin gauge wire. No such luck with a thicker gauge!
  • For these reasons, wire gauge is an important factor in determining both how long your fence will last and the use for which it is best suited.

3.  Mesh Openings: a Wide Variety of Uses

Smaller mesh opening is important for fencing in or out smaller animals, which could slip through a larger opening. Smaller openings also make for more rigid panels, making durability a secondary consideration.

Mesh opening is a very important factor to consider based on what you’re planning to fence in or out.

For example, a small mesh opening would be required for fencing in baby rabbits or birds, while a larger mesh opening would be better for fencing in goats and other livestock.
  • Louis Page sells welded wire fence in a variety of mesh opening sizes from ” x ” to 3” x 3”. In addition to different sizes, mesh openings also come in a variety of shapes including square, rectangular and hexagonal.
Durability is also a secondary consideration with mesh opening, as smaller meshes create more rigid, durable fencing.

4.  Fence Height - Animals Test the Boundaries

Quite simply, taller fencing is required to fence in and out larger animals, and animals that can jump high. Fence height is very important factor based on what you’re planning to fence in or out. Simply put, taller fencing is required to fence in and out larger animals, as well as animals that can jump high. For example, shorter fences are ideal for uses like chicken enclosures, rabbit cages, and puppy kennels. A taller fence is required for enclosing large farm animals like cows and goats and fencing out deer.

  • A taller fence is required when safety and the security of people is the goal, such as in the case of a pool fence or at places like construction sites, zoos, or public parks.
Our experts are ready and waiting by the phone to answer your questions and help you choose the right fence for your project.
Bird on a Wire
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Topics: stainless steel, galvanized after, galvanized before, Fencing Tips, vinyl coated

Why Should You Use Galv After Weld Wire Fencing Materials?

August 8, 2013 | by Duncan Page

They seem similar...

Are you looking for galvanized welded wire fence? Do you know you have a choice? There are two types of galvanized welded wire fencing materials:

  • GBW (Galvanized Before Weld)
  • GAW (Galvanized After Weld)

Visually they appear very similar. But taking a closer look, you can see the difference. And after they have been installed, the difference becomes more remarkable with the passage of time. Which one is a better value, longer lasting, more readily available?

Checking for the burn--


GBW weld point with burn

As its name implies, Galvanized Before Weld fencing material is made as follows: Galvanized wire is fed into the welder. At the weld point where the wires cross, the zinc is burned away during the welding process. Sometimes you can actually see the burn (as in the picture above). This is the most obvious way to differentiate between GBW and GAW wire mesh. Look for the burn. Of course, when this happens, the wire is left unprotected from rust and corrosion. And this is the spot in the wire mesh that collects water when it gets wet. The water and any corrosive entities it contains will hang out in the intersection, slowly eating away the steel.

With So Many Uses

GBW welded wire mesh is a utilitarian, readily available generic product. It comes in a wide variety of different gauges, mesh sizes, and roll sizes. This type of mesh and fencing material has many different uses. If you want an inexpensive mesh with a moderate lifetime expectancy, GBW is the ideal choice. For a mesh with impressive longevity, please read on--

Download the GBW welded wire brochure!

Now, turning to...


GAW weld points

Galvanized After Weld wire mesh is a superior, higher quality, longer lasting product. After being welded, the mesh is drawn through a bath of molten zinc. The wire intersections are thoroughly sealed and protected from exposure to environmental sources of corrosion and rust. As seen in the above picture, corrosive elements have no access to the wire or weld points. The heavy layer of zinc will protect the underlying wire for years, even when exposed to harmful chemicals and other environmental stressors.

Savings on Repairs and Replacement

GAW fencing materials are far superior to GBW. And they will last years longer than GBW. This is why they are the perfect choice to consider when you want a galvanized welded wire fence. Your initial investment cost is higher. But that is more than offset by the extended lifetime of the wire. Not only will you get years of use from your fence. But also you will save on the expenses of repairs and replacement. Why go through those frustrations and hassles?

The Right Wire

GAW meshes are the best choice for animal cages as well. The heavy galvanizing will stand up to corrosion from feces and urine. The need for cage replacement will be diminished greatly. Higher initial cost of a quality product will ultimately save you money.

With An Important Difference

In general, GAW products are harder to find. There are few retail stores that sell them, partly due to their greater expense. But the demand for these higher quality welded wire fencing materials is not very strong. That's because most people do not know about Galvanized After Weld and that there is a huge difference.

When people say the wire is galvanized, they are usually thinking about the generic GBW products. GAW never comes to mind, even though they might prefer to buy a higher quality product. The assumption is made that since the wire is galvanized, it will last for years. However, if they only knew, they could purchase something far better that would satisfy them for a lot longer.

Download the GAW welded wire brochure!

So what do you think? Do you have any projects where using a higher quality product makes sense to you? Is quality more important to you than price?

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Topics: galvanized after, GAW, galvanized before, GBW

Coatings for Welded Wire Fences vs. Rust and Corrosion

July 30, 2013 | by Rick Hoffman

stone wall and wire fence in front of ocean

Environmental Factors

When thinking about installing fencing, you should first consider the environment in which it will be placed.

  • Is it near the coast?
  • Is it exposed to extreme changes in temperature?
  • Will it be located in a wet or humid environment?
  • Will it be in close proximity to corrosive chemicals, etc.?

Identifying these factors will help you determine the best type of fence product and coating for your needs.

GBW - Galvanized Before Weld

Let’s start with the basic low-cost GBW welded wire fence. This product is available in a wide variety of styles and sizes for lots of different applications. This is what most “Big Box” stores sell.

  • The good news? It is inexpensive.
  • The bad news? It has a shorter life because it is more susceptible to rust and corrosion.
  • The reason? The wire is welded before it is galvanized. The welding process can “burn-off” the zinc on the weld points. This makes the wire more vulnerable to rust and corrosion.

The initial strength and gauge of the GBW wire are the same as GAW and VC. But the finish is not nearly as durable resulting in a shorter usable lifespan.

If price rather than quality is the most important factor, then GBW might be a good choice for you.

Bird on fence post

GAW - Galvanized After Weld

GAW welded wire is dipped in molten zinc after being welded or woven. The wire is fully encased in zinc for greater protection and longer life. This is especially important if the fence is to be installed in coastal areas, and if rust and corrosion are primary concerns.

  • The good news? Extended lifetime
  • The bad news? It is slightly more expensive than generic GBW meshes.
  • The reason? After the wire mesh is welded or woven, the finished product is drawn through a bath of molten zinc. The wires are thoroughly galvanized. And most importantly the welded joints are completely covered and protected from the elements. Moisture, which tends to collect in these areas, is prevented from contacting the underlying wire.

If quality and long life are the most important factors in how you will make your decision, GAW is a great choice. The thick galvanization present on the wires adds years of life to the fence. GAW fencing materials will long outlast commonly available GBW products. You have to look harder to find GAW wire fencing materials, but your search will be rewarded with years of service. Avoid the needless expense and hassle of frequent replacement. Buy a product that will last!

VC - Vinyl Coated

VC welded wire has been coated with a layer of PVC after the mesh is welded up. The vinyl covers the mesh and provides strong protection against the element.

  • The good news? Extended lifetime and attractive appearance
  • The "bad" news? It can be more expensive than GBW and GAW products.
  • The reason? The addition of the PVC coating adds an impervious barrier, protecting the wire from Mother Nature's harshest elements. The protected wire will not rust as quickly.

If you want a product that is not only attractive but is also able to withstand environmental stressors, VC welded wire mesh is the perfect one to use. Black mesh becomes virtually invisible.

green vinyl coated mesh

Note: It is very important to know what to look for when considering VC wire fencing materials. The best possible protection and longest life expectancy are offered by a product that is vinyl coated over GAW wire mesh. You will have rugged double protection. You will not be disappointed.


SS - Stainless Steel

SS welded wire fences provide the greatest level of protection and long life in any environment. The product is more expensive up front but can save lots of money and time in the long run because the fence will not need to be repaired or replaced. Stainless Steel wire needs no additional coating because it will last for years and years in practically any environment.

  • The good news? Very long life with little maintenance required
  • The "bad" news? Yep, It's pricier.
  • The reason? Stainless Steel is a more expensive material. But in certain applications, its longevity will ultimately prove less expensive.

Did you know there are a great many varieties of wire mesh fencing materials available to you?

Do you have some new ideas or questions about what you would like to use on your next project?

stainless steel mesh

Get your free catalog now!

Rick signature  Rick VP sales Louis E. Page, Inc. 

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Topics: vinyl coated wire, stainless steel, galvanized after, galvanized before

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