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The Fence Post

Installing Hinge Joint Field Fence

August 25, 2020 | by Joe Morrell


Hinge Joint: A Wide Range of Applications

To enclose a large field safely and efficiently, Bekaert's hinge-jointed field fence comes through. This fence adapts well and hosts a wide variety of animals while remaining economical and extremely durable. Hinge joint field fence is specifically designed to withstand animal impacts: springing back and retaining its shape, therefore saving on maintenance and costly repairs. Another benefit is the graduated spacing it features with smaller openings approaching the ground, which keeps predators and small animals at bay. As for your particular set of criteria, don't hesitate to call Louis Page; we're always ready to assist you in making your selection. Here are three types available:

  • Gaucho Pro Field Fence--1075 lb. breaking strength, high tensile wire, pre-installed gripple-action upon request, a variety of protective coatings, appropriate for grazing animals such as cattle, goats, and sheep, coming in an optional height of 78'' for deer exclusion. For professional applications.                                                                                                                                              
  • Gaucho Field Fence--630 lb. breaking strength, high tensile wire, gripple-action upon request, Class 3 coating, appropriate for grazing animals such as cattle, goats, and sheep.                                                                                                                                                                 
  • Classic Field Fence--a variety of breaking strength options, Class 3 and Class 1 coatings, crafted for economy and efficiency. 

We also have another blog called "Woven Wire Fence Knots" that may be helpful to you in choosing the right style of field fence. 

Here's a helpful video, "Installing Hinge Joint," from our friends at Bekaert:


Farm and Field Fence

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Topics: high tensile wire, Bekaert, hinge joint, cattle fence

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