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The Fence Post

Properly Driven Wire Fence Staples

June 4, 2018 | by Joe Morrell

Galvanized staples to attach woven or welded fence to wood posts.

Essentials and Variables

Bekaert offers a fine variety of staples for attaching wire to wooden posts. Be it knurled or single and double barbed fence staples, Louis Page will make sure you've got the goods for your various projects.

To avoid harming the fence, there are some variables to keep in mind: A smooth wire electric fence requires loose-stapling each wire, while maintaining the consistency of the spaces by using a measuring stick with the spaces marked on it. Begin by stapling from the bottom. 

For a barbed wire fence, again, loose stapling is required for each wire. Mark the positions of the wire with a measuring stick. Some folks find it helpful by starting at the top when installing multiple strands of barbed wire, as to avoid the successive wire from becoming hung up.

When working with woven wire, it is always necessary to loose-staple the wire. As the wire is expanding and contracting due to temperature fluctuations, freedom of movement under the staple is required for the brace to absorb the pressure, rather than the stapled post.

Now, here's a quick overview from Bekaert:

Fence Staples

Topics: vinyl coated wire, farm fence, fence staples, u-nails, cattle fence

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