Our Blog - The Fence Post

What Is A Bra Fence?

Written by Duncan Page | November 23, 2009

Wonders to Behold in the Cardrona Valley 

In early 1999, four women's bras were attached to a wire fence along a road in rural New Zealand. The local land owner left the bras on the fence. News spread and The Cardrona Bra Fence quickly became a controversial tourist attraction. By the end of February 60 bras had been hung.

Shortly thereafter someone took on the task of removing all the bras from the fencing. The local press got wind of the story and the news spread throughout New Zealand. Bras soon began to reappear on the fence. By October 2000 the total number of bras reached 200.

Once again all the bras were removed. When this was reported by the press the news spread far beyond the shores of New Zealand. The Cardrona Valley now had a genuine tourist attraction. Not only did people come in person to hang bras, but also people sent bras from other areas to be hung. By 2006 the number of bras on the fence approached 800.

Brassiere Reaction

The Cardrona Bra Fence received mixed reviews from the local population. Some saw it as a potential hazard, distracting motorists. Some considered it a tourist attraction, bringing people to the area. Others felt strongly that it was a blot on the rural landscape. Some even claimed that the fence might offend visitors from other cultures.

In April of 2006, after several legal attempts to have all bras stripped from the fence, The Cardrona Bra Fence was declared a "traffic hazard" and an "eyesore". By September, when the local council finally took action, 1,500 were removed. The fence itself is still in place. Without its bras, some may now look upon it as a naked fence.

How would you feel about a bra fence being in your area?

Would you see it as an "eyesore"?

Would you welcome it as an unconventional tourist attraction?